Using the Tarot as a Mystical Tool in Your Yoga Classes

Using the Tarot as a Mystical Tool in Your Yoga Classes

If you have (ever) had questions about life, relationship, finances, career, spirituality…or anything else, really, I have a great way for you to get answers.

The tarot deck.

Okay, okay, now hear me out on this one.

Especially if you’re skeptical!

The tarot deck is not a weird other-worldly activity. It doesn’t require witchcraft or wizardry. And it doesn’t take a psychic to figure it out.

The tarot deck originated in Europe in the 15th century, and was originally used to play games. It wasn’t until 300 years later that Western people started using the deck as a way to get answers to life’s big questions.

Do you know why?

Because they needed those answers!

Every culture throughout history has had its form of divination. Some read tea leaves, others look at palms. Well, Westerners needed something, too!

Divination is a process not of looking outside you for answers, but looking inside. Through tools like the tarot deck, we are able to reveal what is embedded within our own unconscious.

Divination is a conversation between your own higher self and you.

Simply put, the tarot deck lays your unconscious cards on the table for you to see them clearly.

It creates a bridge between your conscious and your unconscious, giving you a bridge between the parts of your psyche. Do you know what we call this link, or union?


A tarot deck can only perform this link when the language of the psyche is clearly understandable. What is the language of the psyche, you ask? It is symbolism.

Not all decks are created equal in this regard.

Many are pretty, and some are downright artful. But not all come with the depth of symbolism necessary to create a clear and easy link for you to pull the answers you need from the deepest reaches of your psyche.

Wanna know what my favorite deck is? The one that nails the symbolism and makes it super easy for us to read?

🃏 The Rider Waite deck. 🃏 ← click there to get yours on Amazon.

The next thing I want to do for you is empower you to start using it right away!

Sure, I have a full certification course that teaches you how to read the tarot, but I want to show you how to access the wisdom of the deck with a super simple method right now.

My students ❤love❤ this technique, and I hear from them constantly that their most important daily yoga practice is pulling a card from the tarot deck. It helps them set their intentions, and gives them clarity on their purpose and direction for the day.

See? Tarot love straight from students in my private FB group.


Most importantly, pulling a daily tarot card keeps them in touch with themselves.

You ready to learn how?

Understanding the symbolism and how it works is key for being able to elevate yourself as a Modern Mystica yoga teacher and spiritual leader. Symbolism can be woven throughout your yoga class, as can the tarot! I told you more about how to do this in my weekly Facebook Live broadcast:

Using the Tarot as a Mystical Tool in Your Yoga Classes

I’m so excited to have shared more about the tarot with you this week. 😃 Adding the wisdom of the tarot to your practice as a spiritual leader is yet another way to boost your career, and uplevel the way you support your students and clients.

Links and Resources

To learn more, register for my upcoming webinar that teaches you about the symbolism in the tarot deck. Learn the Symbols Behind the Tarot Deck

Don’t have a tarot deck? The Rider deck is the deck I recommend.


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