10 Tips for Becoming Your Own Yoga Teacher

10 Tips for Becoming Your Own Yoga Teacher

For many reasons, knowing how to guide ourselves through our ownspiritual journey is something we need to know how to do.

Whether it’s because we miss our favorite yoga class, live in a remote area, or simply want to take matters into our own hands, here are the top tips to become your own guru.

  1. Develop consistency. Come hell or high water, learn to do your practice as regularly as you brush your teeth. A great recommendation is to keep it short, simple and doable. Even 7 minutes a day can change (or save!) your life.
  2. Find your path. Figure out what inspires you and follow it. Maybe it’s a style of physical practice, maybe it’s the inspirational words of a particular teacher, or maybe it’s the meditative practice of loving kindness. When you find it, stick to it, just as a thirsty man would stay by the well that most nourishes his thirst.
  3. Streamline your spirituality. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right for you. Everything under the sun is okay, but if we are to determine the right path for us, we need to be very discerning as to what we bring in to our personal practices that really feeds our soul. This isn’t a judgement on other practices: just because we are for something that works for us, doesn’t mean we’re against something that works for someone else.
  4. Have patience. No one enjoys this one. In an age where instant gratification is constantly sought, the idea of something just simply taking a long time can be tough to swallow. Remember the lesson of mastery. For anything to be mastered, it takes about 10,000 hours of practice. Remember the tortoise, because slow and steady is how this spiritual path is trodden.
  5. Let go of gear. You don’t really need much to be happy on the path. Maybe a meditation cushion. Maybe a yoga mat. Maybe not even those things. Let nothing get in the way of your practice. If your yoga pants don’t fit just right and your hotel room floor is a little slippery, instead of getting discouraged, go for it. You may learn that the “slip & slide” version of downward dog teaches you a lot.
  6. Sing. Or chant. I’m serious. Make sound a part of your practice. You can take it anywhere, it’s easy to do under any conditions and requires no space or extra props. Start with simply chanting a few Om’s – under your breath even if it’s difficult to say out loud. The power of sound is undeniable and documented an music uplifts us. Chant a mantra or sing your favorite song in the show, but make it part of your practice and let it work it’s wonders.
  7. Form a team. We all know that we do things if the people we love are counting on us to do them. Find some folks you love that love and respect your practice. They know you’re a better person when you do it. And, while they won’t become the nagging force that makes us ashamed of not doing the practice, they will become the inspiring force that moves us to our mat daily. How? You don’t have to tell them about it, just do the practice for them.
  8. Keep it secret. These practices have been secret for a long time. It’s nobody’s business how enlightened you got today. As Shri Brahmananda Saraswati would say, “Mind, your own business.” As in, your mind is your own business. So what you saw god this morning. Are you seeing god now? Spiritual experiences happen for people all the time. By keeping it to ourselves, it retains more power and propels us forward. It also helps to keep us calm and collected members of society where we can continue to do the best work.
  9. Stay normal. One of my favorite teachings is “Don’t get weird.” It’s totally cool to continue to be yourself and stay engaged in your world and surroundings even as you advance on your spiritual path. In fact, it’ll probably get a lot easier to do so.

  10. When in doubt, love harder.
    ❤️ It’s not always going to be easy. Sometimes, getting to the mat or cushion will seem harder than climbing Everest. Fine. Forgive yourself. Let it go, and instead of letting the guilt creep in or the self-doubt increase, just love yourself. Let that be your practice.

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