Speak Your Truth to Power

Speak Your Truth to Power

Gemini has a penchant for chatter, hidden messages, and a little playful trickery which is all enhanced by this New Moon. If you are interested in clearing up your communication, spreading a powerful message clearly, and extending yourself either via travel or broadcasts, then this is your time. The fact that this new moon is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication makes it a great time to do work on the throat chakra. Consider chanting, singing, or even humming to clear blocked energy and give clarity to your truth center.

Basically, this moon encourages you to do some “real talk.” Get super clear around what you wish to convey in life. Don’t let words run away with you, and keep writer’s block get at bay. Attention to the throat chakra allows the message to flow, but you have to keep the message pure. Misused, the energy of Gemini becomes nervous, anxious, and at its worst, misunderstood. Let your words flow from your heart at this time, and you plant positive seeds that grow into enlightened manifestation. New moon time is about cultivating fertile ground for what you would like to harvest in about six months during the Gemini full moon. Though Gemini is not known for its patience, reigning it in and making sure you have real, open-hearted conversations right now could not be more important as you will reap those results in the coming months.

This new moon also features a complicated relationship with Mars, which gives it a drive and energy that could potentially push your efforts toward clarity in the wrong direction. Take a look at what is most important to you right now plot a course that ensures that your truth is heard, understood, and acknowledged. The darkness of the full moon does lend itself very well to the introspective cultivation that may be required to ensure you always speak your truth clearly to power.

Alchemical Ritual for the Gemini New Moon

As an air sign, Gemini enjoys all the things that allow us to communicate and share with the world, including teaching, technology, media, journalism, and conversation. On the low side, this mercurial sign tends toward nervousness, idle chatter, anxiety and trickiness. This new moon ritual for Gemini helps to accentuate the high side of this energy and clears up our mental chatter so that when communication flows (in all its various forms), it flows clearly.

Gemini’s ruler is Mercury, the messenger god who is able to travel into the underworld as easily as the real world. It is a slippery slope: to communicate in an elevated way or slip down into the shadow, harming ourself or others with our words. To keep our energy on the high side in this ritual, gather blue stones such as lace agate or chalcedony and place them in the center of your ritual space. Bring in the air element in some way, perhaps by diffusing essential oils (eucalyptus, lavender, and vetiver work well with Gemini), or by sitting in front of an open window or gentle fan for a cool breeze. Lavender, frankincense or myrrh essential oil can be used to anoint your throat chakra before and after your ceremony. Use sage, sweet grass or palo santo to cleanse yourself and the space by casting the smoke over yourself and encircling your own body three times. Light a few candles and dim the lights. Sit in the center of your space and bring the hands together at the heart center. Connect to the throat center, the location of communication and the planet Mercury in our bodies. Feel the energy moving into the throat by engaging in a gentle ujayi style breathing, constricting the back of the throat ever so slightly to produce an oceanic sound of the breath. When you establish a consistent attention on the throat area, consider the question: What is my truth? Your answer will likely come quietly and simply, not as a diatribe, and perhaps only as a feeling. Listen closely to the answer from the heart. Once you receive your answer, choose one stone, hold it firmly in your right hand and say the following invocation out loud:

Mercury, please give me the strength to speak the truth about what is most important to me.

Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation. Clear the mind of thoughts completely. Feel the sensation within the throat, and allow for the invocation to sink in and begin to show you your path. Allow any symbols, sensations, emotions or energy to arise and continue to quietly witness all that happens without judgment or thought.

When complete, place a hand on the throat and chant Ham (the mantra for the throat) three times before bringing both hands together at the heart to chant Om three times. Hold the stone talisman that you have now charged with the energy of your heart’s desire. Snuff the candles and place the talisman somewhere prominently enough that you are reminded daily of the path to your heart’s fullest expression. This ritual creates a clear pathway of communication for your highest truth so that whenever you speak, you speak your truth clearly to power.

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