Pisces Full Moon: Time to Slow Down and Get Spiritual

Pisces Full Moon: Time to Slow Down and Get Spiritual

September is here, which means the full moon is approaching Pisces. This can be a time of reflection, for better or for worse. Re-examining the structure around which we’ve built our lives is a positive way to turn destructive habits into constructive ones, but if you’re not careful, your thoughts can turn to paranoia and self-doubt.

Pisces energy activates our transcendent function, calling us to our deeper spiritual connection. With this full moon, we are asked to let go of all that holds us back or separates us from others, from the source, or from our own soul.

Pisces loves nothing more than divine connection, and it is our work to take advantage of this full moon and use it to create the connection for which we all yearn. In today’s connected world, we’re bombarded by things that interfere with our connected state, and the further we get from it, the more we suffer.

We all carry spiritual energy within us, and this full moon highlights it for us and brings it out of the shadows and into the forefront of our lives. We can get along by ourselves just fine for a while, but eventually we’ll feel drained and exhausted — we must all dip our toes in the waters of the divine to feel reinvigorated and recharged. This year’s Pisces full moon is the time to do the practices that most connect you to yourself.

This moon falls just after a string of eclipses, which gives us an opportunity to shake off the intensity of that energy. But, it also falls amidst a rash of retrogrades – three planets are retrograde right now! Retrograde energy is a time to go inward, slow down, and reflect.

While Saturn, retrograde in Capricorn, and Uranus, retrograde in Taurus, seem to thwart our efforts, the Pisces full moon shows us the way, guiding us through the stagnation and shake-up via spiritual pathways. Now is not a time for action or willfulness — instead, take time for patience and surrender. Allow yourself to be led through these tumultuous times, rather than trying to strike off on your own.

These are the strengths of a Pisces. The more you take the time to meditate, reflect, and turn your spiritual practice inward, the more obvious your path will become.

The power of Pisces is its ability to call forth our cosmic resources and deepen our spiritual capacities. But be cautious — this can be a double-edged sword. If you resist the flow of Pisces energy when its power is so strong, self-reflection and meditation can turn to disconnection and self-criticism. Ultimately, these negative thoughts can culminate in self-destructive behaviors in an attempt to curb negative thoughts — numbing out, drug or alcohol use, or martyrdom — anything to render you powerless.

Now is not the time to give your power away. Step fully into your power, and stand in the waters of the unconscious by owning the fruits of your spiritual work on every level: conscious, unconscious, shadow work, emotional healing, and transcendence.

By shedding loose the layers of your resistance and taking ownership of your spiritual power, you honor this moon’s energy and are lit from within by the wisdom of your unconscious and the unfoldment of your own evolution as a spiritual being. When we stop resisting and release our own shadows in this way, we shine the light for others to see their spiritual potential. This is the greatest gift of this work.

Alchemical Ritual for Pisces Full Moon

For Pisces, nothing is more important than transcendence. The two fish that represent Pisces enjoy swimming in the waters of spiritual connection more than anything else. When you can’t achieve this connection, or when you deny it to yourself, you often cope by numbing out — either through drug and alcohol use or other avoidance and non-committal behavior.

To get Pisces to tap into the high side of its energy signature, it is wise to remain connected to a spiritual practice that saturates you with the divine connection you need. This full-moon ritual helps to bridge the gap between our inner and outer realities so that you can swim in the spiritual waters while keeping your feet on the ground.

This ritual requires water, the natural element of Pisces. If possible, take a bath before the ritual to immerse yourself. You may fill a sacred cup or vessel with water and place it in your ritual space. Gather your favorite crystals — Aquamarine, Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli are good choices if you have them — and a candle or two in front of you.

Using sage, sweet grass, or palo santo, cleanse yourself and your space by casting the smoke over yourself and encircling your own body three times. Then, find a symbol that activates you spiritually and makes you feel connected to source. This symbol can be anything that resonates with you — a religious icon or relic, a picture or an object. Light your candles, sit comfortably in your space and hold the symbol as you close the eyes and say the following invocation:

May the highest qualities of Pisces and this Full Moon allow me to connect to my highest spiritual connection and my deepest soul purpose.

Sit in quiet contemplation for as long as you need, absorbing the connection to source inspired by the invocation and ritual. Feel what comes up from inside you as you clear your mind and allow your soul to communicate your highest needs. Be delighted at what arises.

As you allow the insights of Pisces to flow into you, place the ring finger of your right hand into the water in your sacred vessel and anoint yourself with it by lightly touching your forehead, the sternal notch at the base of the throat, and your heart.

Take all the time you need — when your ritual feels complete, bring your hands to prayer at your heart. Chant Om three times and snuff the candles. Anoint your symbol with the sacred water in the same way that you anointed yourself, and place it somewhere that you see it every day in order to be reminded of the connection you have cultivated in this ritual. Let it be a reminder of how to connect to your source, and also, of how connected you are at all times.

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