New Year + My Top 3 Strategies for Success = New You!

New Year + My Top 3 Strategies for Success = New You!

2017: Goodbye!

2018: Hello! We have SO much hope for you and SO much work to do!

Luckily, New Year’s Day features a full moon in Cancer, giving us the chance to let go of what no longer serves us in our lives. Cancer’s influence asks us to examine the psyche, be aware of our triggers, and feel #allthefeels. Looking at our shadow in this way causes the question: What are we responsible for in our lives?

Yoga would say: everything.

We are 100% responsible for our own reality, according to yogic thought. I know that’s a lot to handle. It took me years to really get a grasp of this.

When I first started yoga and heard this notion, I was charged with the guilt and shame that came from being “responsible” for catastrophes throughout the world. I was once told that if I didn’t like the attitudes my colleagues, it was my personal responsibility to transform their energy from negative to positive.

Think about that for a second: Do we have any control over the behavior and actions of others?


So, after I recovered from my shame spiral of never being good enough to change my external environment and contributing to worldwide sadness, I took another look at this maxim.

By then, I understood more about psychology and the way we, as humans, perceive things. I had also figured out that the behavior of others is never caused by us…

But this does not make us helpless. Nor should it make us indifferent.

We each have control over our own psychology. We choose to see our world through a certain lens.

Do we see our world as beyond help? Perhaps, we see it as “not our problem.” Maybe we think we are victims of what is happening around us. Or, do we see opportunities for growth, change and transformation?

Seeing our lives as a fertile ground for change is 100% our responsibility. Seeing it as anything else is our responsibility too.

This is what we have control over.

While we can’t control who others vote for, what they think, now they act or what they do, we absolutely can control how we perceive all things in our life.

You’ve heard the old saying: Mind your own business? Well, I’m gonna be a grammatical rebel and stick a comma in there:

Mind, your own business.

Make your mind your own business and see things in the way that serves you best. A challenging situation becomes a chance for change. A problem reveals a solution. A difficult person becomes the excuse to open your heart.

Your life is your practice.

The full moon (and this New Year!) calls us to upgrade our minds, downgrade our stress levels and look for the hope that is just around the corner.

Because hope is there…if you choose to see it. That is up to you.

Rather than make a list of “resolutions” that leave you feeling guilty when you don’t stick to them by the end of January, make the choice to see everything as an opportunity.

That sets you up for a stunning New Year.

2018 needs you. I need you. The collective needs you.

Heck, YOU need you! ?

(Oh, and you might also need this handy guide to new and full moon ceremonies!)

I’m excited for 2018, and the promise it brings. It’s causing quite a stir already, and that’s good because it pressures us to change…for the better!

Speaking of pressure ? I heard from many of you throughout December (btw, did you know I LOVE hearing from you!?) that you totally wanted to sign up for my new year-long academy program, but that the timing with the holidays was terrible.

Yeah, I get that.

No worries, I have a way for you to learn more, and see if this 12 month journey to up-level your yoga career is a good fit for your 2018 calendar. Register for my upcoming webinar to learn my top three tips for any successful yogi entrepreneur, and learn more about the Upward Facing Business Academy Program.

Learn 3 Top Tips for Success in Your Yoga Career
Click here to register for my upcoming webinar!

Remember, the full moon is coming up, and your New Year is just around the corner. This is your time to shine, you crazy diamond! ?

I wish you and yours the happiest and brightest 2018 imaginable!

Our Courses

From Yoga Teacher Training to Chakras and Tarot, we have your spiritual career needs covered…
Alchemical Astrology Certification Program™ - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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Alchemical Astrology Certification Program™
Upward Facing Business Academy (UFBA) - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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Upward Facing Business Academy (UFBA)
Alchemy Of The Chakras™ Certification Program - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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Alchemy Of The Online Chakras™ Certification Program
Decoding the Tarot™ Certification Program - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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Decoding the Online Tarot™ Certification Program
Spiritual Coaching Online Certification - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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Breathwork Certification Course - The Kaivalya Yoga Method

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