Is it Worth It to Become a Yoga Teacher

Is it Worth It to Become a Yoga Teacher

One of the questions I get a lot as a yoga professional who has been working in the industry for more than two decades, is this: Is it worth it to become a yoga teacher? This is a fascinating question, and I think it could go two ways.

Keep reading to learn not only my answer to this multifaceted question, but also how the answers can help you make the most of your yoga journey…

Is it worth it financially to become a yoga teacher?

The first thing that comes to mind when someone asks if being a yoga teacher is worth it is the financial aspect. Here are the hard facts: Yoga teachers who work full-time teaching classes at a studio or gym make an average of $35,000 per year. While this isn’t a lucrative salary to begin with, keep in mind that full-time yoga teachers tend to lead approximately 20-25 classes per week.

Speaking as someone who spent 15-ish years running around town trying to teach as many yoga classes as possible to make ends meet, this can be an exhausting lifestyle. And consider that you’ll mostly be teaching classes in the early morning or evening, as that’s when most people can fit the classes into their schedules.

This highlights one of the biggest things about being a full-time in-studio yoga teacher: If you’re not working, you’re not making money. That means you’re likely missing out on mornings, evenings and weekends with your family and friends, and taking a vacation or a small break to prevent burnout is increasingly difficult to swing.

Now, know that this doesn’t have to be your reality. Bringing at least part of your yoga business online will make a huge difference. Teaching online classes puts you in control. You can choose when you work, potentially record classes ahead of time and stop splitting your yoga teacher earnings with a studio.

This is the fastest and easiest way to ensure becoming a yoga teacher is worth it financially. That’s precisely why I created the Upward Facing Business Academy. Everything changed for me when I took my yoga teaching business online, and I want to help other yoga teachers do the same.

Is it worth it spiritually to become a yoga teacher?

This is the second thing that comes to mind when someone asks if being a yoga teacher is worth it. My answer here is an unequivocal yes! Being a yoga teacher has been so rewarding for me, and I don’t know anyone in this position who would disagree. Having the opportunity to continue learning about and growing from yoga has been an absolute dream.

When I first started on this yoga journey, I figured I would teach a few classes per week on the weekends to share something I loved with people while also getting free classes at the yoga studio I taught at. But yoga got its hooks into me. I never regretted becoming a yoga teacher, and I’m willing to bet you won’t either if you take the leap and pursue a yoga training program.

How do I make sure becoming a yoga teacher is worth it?

One of the best ways to ensure that becoming a yoga teacher is worth it both financially and spiritually is to find a way to make a living wage doing it. You can make the most of your yoga teaching journey by generating an income from your yoga business. And believe me, if you’re a full-time yoga teacher, you’re also a small business owner.

As such, you need to make enough money to have the space to continue learning about yoga, something you can’t do if you’re burned out, exhausted and seriously in need of a vacation. You won’t reap the spiritual and emotional benefits of yoga if you’re constantly hustling and struggling to make ends meet.

My best advice is to take control of your destiny and build your yoga business online. With the right education and expertise, you’ll be able to avoid the common pitfalls that prevent a full-time yoga career from being worth it. Learn more by watching my YouTube video on the topic.

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