Spiritual Leadership: The Next Stage

Spiritual Leadership: The Next Stage

Part of my mission in delivering higher education for yoga is knowing that your students and the people in your life have a critical need for the skills and practices you have to offer as a yoga teacher and spiritual leader.

It turns out, they need you even more now than ever before. We live in what is being referred to as a "secondary pandemic" resulting in a massive increase in disconnection, anxiety, and depression.

YOU as a yoga teacher have skills uniquely designed to help people manage and cope with disconnection, anxiety, and depression. In fact, you have likely experienced these elevated benefits of yoga yourself...making you the perfect person to bring that well-being to others.

In fact, you probably already are!

Your students come to you with bigger questions about life ... far beyond the mechanics of a pose. They ask about personal relationships, dealing with difficult emotions, and finding their purpose.

There is a reason for this: people desperately seek a spiritual practice that provides answers and guidance.

And they are looking for teachers and leaders who can guide them.

That can be you. Tune in below to learn more about this need for spiritual teachers/leaders and how you can join the Spiritual Coaching Certification program so you can become one!


Our Courses

From Yoga Teacher Training to Chakras and Tarot, we have your spiritual career needs covered…

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Alchemical Astrology Certification Program™

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Upward Facing Business Academy (UFBA)

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Alchemy Of The Online Chakras™ Certification Program

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Decoding the Tarot Certification Program

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Spiritual Life Coaching Online Certification

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Meditation Teacher Certification Course

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Breathwork Certification Course
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Yoga Teacher Training Online - 200hr Program
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Yoga Teacher Training Online - 300hr Program

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Yoga Teacher Training Online - 500hr Program