Meditation to Calm and Cool

Your spiritual practice - yoga, meditation and more - helps give you what you need to sustain yourself through no matter what you're going through. The more consistent you are in your practice, the more you'll be able to let things roll off your shoulders and deal with the challenges of life. As I often say, yoga doesn't make our life better. Yoga makes us better at our life.
This practice of yoga and meditation won’t suddenly make your life easy or fill it with sparkles, rainbows and butterflies. (That would be cool, though, right?) But the power and practice of yoga and meditation can help you say yes to your own adventure and help you handle whatever is being thrown your way.
I want to share with you a meditation so no matter what you're going through right now, it can help you stay calm and cool as a cucumber.
Join me for Meditation Mondays on YouTube.