Unleash your Inner Spiritual Entrepreneur and Further your Yoga Business

Unleash your Inner Spiritual Entrepreneur and Further your Yoga Business

Entrepreneurs are often thought of as just business owners, but they are much more than that. They are creative forces turning their passions into reality while sustaining a business. As spiritual leaders, business is a matter we don’t particularly love. But as with many things in life, we have to learn to love and embrace challenges, especially those that help us grow. In this blog, I am sharing three ways you can further your Yoga business in 2020.

Think like a Yogi-entrepreneur – You’re not just a Yogi; you are sustaining and operating a thriving business.

Be innovative. Get outside your comfort zone and explore what the yoga business world has to offer. I get it, we’re spiritual creatives, and our brains aren’t programmed to think strictly about profit, but this doesn’t mean relinquishing your yogi ideals. It means holding onto your ideals and challenging yourself to do the things that you may find challenging.

One of the biggest obstacles to success can be how you view money. Yoga teachers are trained that “spiritual teachings should be free.” This is not true. It locks you into a poverty mentality that sabotages you from the start. The Upward Facing Business Academy is an excellent resource for guidance on how to effectively release your money blocks and develop a new relationship to your inherent value that proudly allows you never to sell yourself short.

Embrace the benefits of technology – Build an online community, be persistent, and consistent online.

I have three key takeaways for you for social media. Number one is that you always maintain message consistency. Focus on the thing that makes your heartbeat. I promise you that it will be the key to your success. Let your posts reflect your passion, that one thing that you do best, and always consider that your message should be beneficial to your audience. How are they going to benefit from the content you are sharing?

Number two is to curate your content for impact. Section your posts into categories. For example: share a teaching moment by adding value to your communities day-friendly. Post something lighthearted but maintain professionalism. Share something inspirational from your favorite resources and give your insight. Write about something specific to engender reactions, comments engagement. Through all of this, let your authenticity shine through. Be yourself, stay true to your passion and your purpose, but always stay on message. Don’t stray.

Lastly, find your community, and stay there. Be in one place so that people know where to find you. Maximize the benefit of the platform. If you decide Instagram is the best place for you to engage with your audience, start doing some research on how to maximize the use of stories, or Instagram TV or how to use hashtags to become a power user of that platform.

Think about all of the different ways that you can use social media. Remember, think of it as a part of your spiritual practice.

Download the free social media guide here.

Create an authentic brand and message – Create a clear brand. Tell your unfiltered story because people resonate with transparency.

Make being transparent and authentic your primary practice. You’ll gain traction when you are real, genuine, and personable…and most importantly, when you keep this sacred directive in mind:

Let everything you post serve and uplift (and grow) your community. While people don’t care that you had dim sum for lunch, they do care about what you did this weekend to further your education. They want to see what you are struggling with in your practice. Your community loves finding out the things that make your yoga-brain tick, and they are excited when you have advice, tidbits, and secrets to share that help them get to the next level.

It’s all about them. It’s not about you.

Regularly speaking to your core community members lets them know that you’ve got their back, and you are here for them and their spiritual growth. Take it up a notch by establishing a-rockin’ group where they get secret teachings or extra-special access to you.

Now, it’s time to say to the world that you are an expert who can’t wait to find your community and offer them highly valuable teachings in the most accessible way possible while creating a business that delivers the income you deserve.

If you’re excited by this and want to take the next steps, I can’t wait to help! Sign up for The Upward Facing Business Academy, a course created to turn yogis into extraordinary yogi entrepreneurs.

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