Episode 45 - Erotic Embodiment and Connecting To Your Wildness: A Conversation with Kait Singley of Living Eros
Episode 44 - Discovering the Power of Your Dreams: A Conversation with Melissa De Los Santos, Lead Mystics Mentor and Dreamworker
An Antiracism Resource to help you "Radicalize your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World" Skill in Action By Michelle Cassandra Johnson
Nicole Cardoza, Editor and Chief of Anti-Racism Daily, 'Gets to Work' Addressing Racism in the Wellness Industry
Episode 41 - Cueing Tips, Tricks & Strategies for Impact: A Conversation with TKYM Academy Director, Andrew Hoffman
Episode 40 - Taking Feedback & Growing as a Yoga Teacher: A Conversation with TKYM Academy Mentor, Alyssa Arroyo