with Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.

Includes the Total Transformation Through Yoga™ Course—a $197 value—FREE!

A Spiritual Daily Practice All Your Own

When we empower ourselves in our practice and commit to a daily sadhana, we knowingly changing our lives and foster our connection with yoga. This allows us more resiliency to handle daily struggles, a more objective perspective on life, a healthier and more integrated body and mind, along with the ability to keep an open heart. In short, we become cool as a cucumber.

To help YOU stay cool, and master your own daily practice and connection with yoga, I have created this comprehensive online course that features:

  • Hours of rich video content guiding you through essential spiritual practices and lessons
  • Private online community where we support and trade secrets on our daily rituals
  • Course workbook to share & take notes within the program
  • Bonus content to enrich your journey above and beyond the course material!

I am new to yoga and I find that Alanna's course is the perfect way to enhance my understanding of the practice. Her way of presenting the information is not only informative but entertaining. I have learned so much already, I cannot wait for next week's session!

Deb B.

Just wanted to let you know the online course with you is pretty amazing. Even though I’ve had a steady sadhana for a decade, to be reminded of the essence is essential. It is very helpful to have a deeper look at the nuances of the practice to better understand and implement it in our lives.

Emmamaria Vincentz

Get Started Right Now

If you are ready to expand your yoga practice beyond the mat, then this course is for you.




  • Discover the challenges to a home practice…and how to overcome them.
  • Weight the (overwhelming) benefits of a home practice vs. studio classes.
  • Learn practical tips for the home yogi to create your space, both inside and outside.
  • Cover basic Q&A as to why taking yoga into your own hands is both possible and necessary.


  • Starting a home practice is confusing. Don’t worry, we’ll deconstruct it here.
  • What does it mean to be spiritual and have a practice? It’s not what you think!
  • Reveal what it actually means to be a yogi in the modern age.
  • Familiarize yourself with the essentials of yoga philosophy, in a completely digestible way.
  • Create a simple ritual that forms the foundation of your daily connection to yoga.
  • Revel in the beauty and stability of rooting each day in an uplifted intention.


  • Ever get to your mat and feel perplexed as to what to do next? Problem solved.
  • Absorb a simple framework with which to nail your asana practice…every time.
  • Gain the freedom and intuition to move your body in the way that is best for you.
  • Master the art of creating a sequence for yourself that honors your body, mind and spirit.


  • Yoga doesn’t have to hurt. In fact, designing a daily self-practice heals you from the inside out.
  • Learn a set of intelligent and safe sequences to add to your arsenal of asana so as to never hit a roadblock to your practice.
  • Yoga props make life easier. Use them in your practice for greater ease and mobility.
  • Sequences for successful sadhana include: Warm ups | Sun Salutations | Standing poses | Forward bends | Back bends | Cool down | Shavasana
  • Seal in the benefits of your practice to carry them throughout the day.


  • Liberate yourself from guilt, obligation & obsessiveness toward your practice.
  • Find ways to fit your yoga practice into your life…not the other way around!
  • Establish a daily connection with yourself, that sets the stage for yoga as your new normal.
  • Realize that there are no rules, only exceptions…and how to work beyond limiting beliefs!
  • Learn how meditation and asana practice sets the tone for your day.
  • Tips & tricks for committing to this life-changing practice, no matter what life brings you.


  • Get a handle on your practice and your spiritual connection to yoga. Heal your body, mind and spirit by using the chakras to guide your daily practice.
  • Listen to the messages of the body in order to improve well-being and your outlook on life.
  • Lear the comprehensive art of ritual building to bring the outside in and the inside out in order to live in accord with the most authentic expression of yourself.
  • Insights into how to take your yoga beyond the mat.



This course lays it all on the line…but I know there is still more to learn! I provide you with additional recorded lecture topics that enrich your spiritual journey.


To connect with the others on the course and to collaborate about innovative ways to bring your yoga practice into your daily life.


Interactive course workbook that allows you to take notes and share with others right from inside the course.

In this course, I leave nothing out. Like I said, this is the course I wish someone had done for me when I was first starting out. As a result, I’ve brought together all the most essential knowledge and tools to make it easy for you to thrive in your endeavor to connect to yourself and your #yogaeverydamnday.

This program counts as 45 hours of continuing education credits for The Kaivalya Yoga Method®. Upon finishing 100% of the course, you receive a certificate of completion.

Your Instructor
Meet Alanna

Often referred to as the Yoga Doctor, I help yoga teachers embody their knowledge, up-level their skills and create more impact in the world. I give you clear pathways to earning a living with your spiritual practice and help others with your gift.

I know how difficult it is to set yourself apart and thrive as a yoga instructor, so I want to teach you to be more than that…to be a spiritual advisor, healer, and master of the stars. As a #modernmystic, we are the torchbearers of spirituality for modern people; we are the guides that provide our students access to yoga’s enduring power as a healing and enlightening tool.

On this principle I founded The Kaivalya Yoga Method, a fresh take on yoga emphasizing the individual path while honoring tradition. Teaching students since 2001, teachers since 2003, I’ve written and developed teacher trainings worldwide for top studios and independently. In 2015, I debuted a comprehensive 500 hr online teacher training with YogaDownload.

I hold a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, have authored numerous articles and three books: Myths of the Asanas, an accessible practitioner’s guide to stories behind beloved poses; Sacred Sound, a yoga “hymnal,” illustrating the role of chant and mantra in modern practice. My third book, Yoga Beyond the Mat, is a guidebook showing practitioners how to make yoga their spiritual practice. I live in New York City with Roxy the Wonderdog.



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Ready to Connect with Your Deepest Self?

Let’s do this.



This course is right for anyone who has an interest in yoga and a desire to integrate it into their life! If you take regular classes, or are sporadic about your practice, this course brings it home and makes it a daily experience for you. If you love yoga and want to know more about how to live your yoga practice and take it beyond the mat, this is for you. If you need support in being empowered to explore your practice, this course does that. And, honestly? If you need hand-holding and a structure for diving into the spiritual practice of yoga, this online experience is perfect.

This course counts for 45 hours of The Kaivalya Yoga Method® continuing education credits for teachers.

Indeed! I’m excited about this method of delivery because it allows us to go through the course together. Upon your registration, you get access to Module #1, and then each week thereafter, you receive the next modules. Once the next modules are unlocked, you have access to all the previous modules, too. No worries if you fall behind, or need to go at your own pace, this system allows you to do that, too.

It really is up to you! If you plan to keep up with the pace of the 6-week program, then it’s a good idea to commit 5 - 7 hours per week to the course. There is plenty of information in this course, so you are certainly able to spend more time with the material, and also gain support via the Facebook group. Remember, once you enroll, you have access to the course materials forever. Don’t worry if you fall a little behind!

Nope! This course is on an extraordinarily user-friendly platform that you gain direct access to upon registration. You get a unique log-in that allows you access to the course at any time, and from any internet-ready device. The videos do stream, so a good internet connection is recommended.

Forever! That’s right, once you’re in, you’re in. You always have access to the materials, and can refer to them, or check back whenever you’d like. You also will be privy to any additions or enhancements to the course as I continue to build upon it in the future.

We want you to be happy with your investment, and we want you to give your best effort to apply all of the techniques and lessons in the program. We have a strict 7-day exchange period for all courses. To qualify for an exchange or store credit, you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and why it did not work for you. We do not offer exchanges for any other reason. If you selected a payment plan option for your purchase, we are not able to stop payments as this is through a third party (ShopPay). In the event that you discover your purchase does not work for you for a concrete reason, within 7 days of enrollment, contact support at and request an exchange or store credit by the 7th day at 11:59 EST. For all the details of the exchange/store credit policy, please see the Terms of Use Policy.

My background in yoga spans nearly two decades, and I have been leading teacher trainings for 15 years. I have written three books on the field of yoga: Myths of the Asanas, Sacred Sound and Yoga Beyond the Mat. I also have a Ph.D. focused on this material and my expertise includes mythology, alchemy, depth psychology and yoga. I integrate all these into my understanding of yoga to develop a complete, integrative approach that brings the ancient practice into modern life. Really, though, the thing that qualifies me the most is the extensive amount of trial and error I have been through in my own personal practice over the years. I’d like to save you the time and effort and help you create immediate tools for lasting spiritual connection and transformation...right now.

Commit to your daily connection to spirit, and bring the power of yoga into your own hands!

Enroll today for $497 (payment plans available).